Castle Campbell

Like the castle of her family
Looming in the distance,
She caught my eye
I don't know why
I let down my resistance.
And like rushing water
Over the jagged stone,
She wore away my cover
And opened up my soul!

Like an angel in a choir
I thought I heard her singing.
Like a submarine I seemed to
Hear a deeper meaning.
And the roaring ocean
In a tiny shell,
Echoed in my heart
I knew the feeling well.

At the Dundee station
I left my baby standing.
Like an aeroplane departing
Never to be landing.
And the train rolls on
Into the setting sun,
Bringing to an end
What never should have begun!

Is there life after love?
Is there life after falling in love?
Is there life (life!)? After love?
Baby won't you tell me is there life after love.


1991, Perth Scotland

From the Dan Ames archive of silly love songs... "Life after love" or "Castle Campbell" was written on a P-Day in Perth. The story is totally fictitious but was inspired by the very real Anna Campbell of Dundee.

Posted January 20, 2009


DALL·E image prompt: artistic image of Castle Campbell, Scotland, with a waterfall in front and a happy young couple nearby.